Feminine Gaze
Feminine Gaze is my final attempt working with a model in studio. I felt like this work truly did the model justice not just in appearance but also in realism, despite the stylization I employ.
MOTION GRAPHICS: This work was later enhanced during the development of this portfolio. It now features moving eyes to add to the original work.
All of the following drawings are sketches with the same model during studio.
This project was made using charcoal on drawing paper. It was animated with Adobe After Effects. Sketches were completed in pencil.
Feminine Gaze
Feminine Gaze is my final attempt working with a model in studio. I felt like this work truly did the model justice not just in appearance but also in realism, despite the stylization I employ.
MOTION GRAPHICS: This work was later enhanced during the development of this portfolio. It now features moving eyes to add to the original work.
All of these earlier drawings are with the same model during studio.