Mural Extract
Mural Extract
is a photographic series of various mural artworks from across the city of Philadelphia. Each photo was taken to either mask the fact that the featured image was a mural, or to exaggerate it. All of the final images abstract the original mural art to create entirely new meaning.

Canon Camera
Adobe Lightroom
This is a photograph of a mural: the mural pictures a mural being painted by a man. The man is painting a mural of a homosexual civil rights march.A labyrinth of corridors are captured in a way that they look real, and abstracted from the environment.An abstracted piece of a mural showing a pair of lips, the drips from paint wearing are heightened in contrast to create a stripe effect.An abstracted piece of a mural showing a real tree in front of a realistic mural, the perspective makes the tree look like part of the mural.The perspective of this image shows just a worn part of the mural where a foot is making it look like the person is walking along the wall.An abstracted piece of a mural showing a leg, a phone cord, a. cloth, and a tapestry.An abstracted piece of a door mural showing flowers in black and white.An abstracted piece of a mural showing a hand and paint strokes.The perspective of this mural makes the stairs in real life look like part of the mural.An abstracted piece of a mural showing a forge.An abstracted piece of a mural showing a wooden plank and skull mask.An abstracted piece of a mural showing a tree mural: with a real fence in front of it.


The photos were taken on a Canon EOS Rebel T7 Camera. They were edited with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.